Junior Leadership Team

Junior Leadership Team or J.L.T as it is known for short, is the chance for ‘pupils to help pupils’ and provide the children with a ‘voice’ in school.  They discuss matters that are important to the children within the classroom and playground.  In the past the J.L.T have developed ideas for the Christmas fair, they have been involved in developing the lunchtime provision, the designing of the Book Den, the designing of the Forest School and the new Reception play area. In addition to this, the children are involved in the review of policies wherever suitable. 

The JLT here at St. Edmund's works closely with adults in school in order to improve the children's environment, opportunities for children to express their opinions and thoughts on aspects of their daily school life are vital so that our children understand their importance in all that we do, taking on the responsibility to be the voice for pupils in striving for school improvement! 

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Times Tables Rock Stars logo
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Contact Us

St Edmund's R.C. Primary School

Upper Monsall Street, Miles Platting, Manchester M40 8NG

0161 205 1700

[email protected]